How Private Elementary School In Mississauga Takes Care Of Student Behaviour ?

Montessori School In Mississauga
3 min readSep 26, 2022


Our staff focuses on behavioral, emotional, and social concerns since they are vital to kids’ academic progress and general well-being. More than one in five students either has, or is at risk for having, an emotional or behavioral condition like depression or ADHD, which can have a negative impact on their academic performance and interpersonal interactions. Additionally, pressures, trauma, and other issues may arise for students on a daily basis. Educators might not be aware of these dangers and difficulties. When faced with such difficulties, students frequently struggle to concentrate on their studies or interact with the rest of the school community. Therefore, a pupil may be coping with a more serious underlying issue when they exhibit academic difficulties or behavioral issues at school.

However, with the right assistance, students with these difficulties can still succeed in the classroom. Recent studies conducted by educators have shown that directly assisting students in developing better coping mechanisms and more appropriate behaviors can enhance school outcomes like attendance, academic performance, and graduation. The optimal support and initiatives for certain school settings and student populations still remain a big mystery, though.

Best Private Elementary School in Mississauga evaluates school-wide and classroom-based initiatives that support a supportive learning environment, acceptable behavior, and the overall well being of students. As they think classrooms and schools are locations where we can assist in facilitating this because students spend a lot of time at school interacting with a variety of adults, peers, and environments.

The top 4 programme categories that best private elementary school in Mississauga


These are the most prevalent categories that we analyse out of a variety of school-wide and classroom-based programmes that support students with emotional, social, and behavioral challenges.

SEL (social-emotional learning) initiatives

Students that participate in SEL programmes learn how to comprehend and control their emotions, form wholesome connections, and take responsibility for their actions. For instance, social-emotional abilities assist pupils in managing their anger or frustration. Read one of our blog posts for more information on social and emotional skills. SEL initiatives and methods we’ve looked into include:

  • Program CBITS (Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools)
  • Program to prevent dropouts called Check & Connect
  • Programs in Project SECURE called Bounce Back (trauma intervention) and Second Step (violence and bullying prevention)

School climate initiatives

The tone and personality of school life are referred to as the school atmosphere. Students and staff feel safer and more engaged when there is a positive school climate. Higher attendance and graduation rates have been related to schools with pleasant school climates. School-wide initiatives that emphasis establishing unambiguous norms and procedures can enhance the learning environment. In a multi-tiered structure, such as Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports, these school-wide strategies that are directed at all kids are known as Tier 1 supports (PBIS).

Trauma informing programs

Students are more likely to face behavioral, social-emotional, and academic challenges if they have witnessed or experienced traumatic events including abuse, poverty, family/community violence, or substance use. These students frequently describe somatic problems that can be very upsetting to their academic life, including despair, anxiety, and even physical symptoms. In order to help students confront and manage their trauma-related symptoms both in and outside of school, trauma-informed programmes combine understanding of trauma and its effects with skill- and resilience-building.

Anti bully and violence programs

Both the victims and the offenders of aggressive and violent behavior suffer physical and psychological injury as well as disruptions in their academic performance. A hostile and unsafe school climate is also influenced by student fighting and violence. Effective school-wide anti-bullying initiatives frequently employ a multifaceted strategy, focusing on administrative (such as school discipline and supervision), classroom (such as bullying discussions and activities), and individual (such as anger and conflict management approaches, parent involvement) components.



Montessori School In Mississauga
Montessori School In Mississauga

Written by Montessori School In Mississauga

At ELITE MONTESSORI SCHOOL, we offer a developmentally sound approach to early education, solidly.

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