Importance Of Involving Parents In Child’s Education
Choosing a school for your children is one of the crucial and difficult decisions in parents’ lives as school is a place where a child will grow, learn and adapt things that will define him or her as a human being in the upcoming future. You can opt for government, online, charter, or private schools in Mississauga. Nowadays private schools are more preferred by parents because of their curriculum and the offers they provide for their student's future. The enhanced opportunities for careers and reputed staff of teachers attract the parents but that doesn’t mean that their duty is over. Parents are also one of the greatest support systems in a child’s education.
So how do schools encourage more and more parents to actively participate in their children’s education?
There are many ways to do this:
- Make sure the parents have all the information they need about their child’s education. This includes information about the school’s policies, procedures, activities, and events. It also includes information about their child’s progress and development, as well as any academic or behavioral challenges that might be affecting their learning. Provide parents with a copy of your school’s communication plan.
- Keep parents informed of what is happening at school by sending regular notes home, holding family meetings, and inviting them in for special events such as parent-teacher conferences. If you have a newsletter or website, ensure that it is accessible to everyone, not just teachers and staff.
- Invite parents to volunteer in their children’s classrooms and schools. There are many ways in which they can contribute: assisting with class parties; helping out with classroom projects; lending an ear when a child has a problem; attending special events at school (e.g plays, concerts) reading to children during special times; writing letters to soldiers overseas, etc. The possibilities are endless!
How will this affect a child’s mind?
The greatest value of the school is not in the buildings we occupy, nor in the desks, nor in the textbooks. The greatest value is in the minds of children and their ability to learn. That’s where everything starts. In order for them to be successful, they need parents involved and engaged. That’s why it’s important to keep parents informed through newsletters on social media like Facebook and Twitter, and through regular communication with parents on a variety of topics via email or phone calls. They should know about what’s going on at school or how we can help your child and how important it is for you as a parent to be engaged with your child’s school.